HOME / FAQ – Long term benefit

Long term benefit

I was involved in a serious accident. I used another law firm and just got a good settlement offer. Should I take it? Can you help to review my settlement offer?

Yes, we can help. Insurance companies don't want to pay more than they have to; they try to nickel and dime you as much as possible. Before accepting the settlement offer make sure you have us review it and give you our advice.

For expert advice on your case, call 647-957-0218 or email [email protected] for a free, no-obligation consultation.

What do long-term disability insurance benefits cover?

Long-term disability benefits Insurance covers some income replacement payments to individuals who cannot work anymore due to medical conditions such as Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, back pain, etc. injuries from slips and falls, car accidents or other injuries, and even mental illness like Depression or Anxiety.

A Long-term disability may have coverage benefits for retraining or rehabilitation to help the injured person get back to work. Long-term disability also offers optional extended health benefits for coverage of rehabilitation.

The terms and policies of Long-term disability insurance are tedious and complex and very hard to navigate on your own. Dealing directly with the insurance company can even make it worse for your case as their language of communication contains difficult-to-understand terms and conditions.

For expert advice on your case, call 647-957-0218 or email [email protected] for a free, no-obligation consultation.

How much benefit payment can I expect?

Long-term disability benefit payment will depend on the terms of your policy. Benefit payment amounts can be from 50% and up to 85% of your normal monthly income. The benefit payment may or may not be taxable depending on your policy. Payments are paid up to the age of 65 for permanent disabilities.

A Long-term disability may have coverage benefits for retraining or rehabilitation to help the injured person get back to work. Other sources of income such as Insurance Benefits, Workplace Safety, and CPP Long Term Disability will reduce the amount of benefits received. Long-term insurance policy documents will set out such reductions and offsets.

Will my long-term insurance policy cover my disability?

It depends on your policy. In general, long-term disability insurance policies cover illnesses and disabilities that prevent one from returning to work.

Every insurance policy has to be examined in detail because it can have clauses that limit or exclude coverage. Private disability insurance policies are written to exclude pre-existing conditions. The employee disability insurance policies may not cover disabilities such as subjective, and psychological disabilities.

Long-term disability insurance policies have a very restrictive definition of disability. It is based on this definition that you will receive benefits.

For example: Most policies have a two-year test period, during this period they test your ability to work in your occupation. The next and more restricted test is to see if you cannot perform ANY occupation.

The terms and policies of Long-term disability insurance are tedious and complex and very hard to navigate on your own. An expert counsel can advise you on the terms and policies and the amount of benefit payment you can receive.

For expert advice on your case, call 647-957-0218 for a free, no-obligation consultation.

How soon should I start my Long-term disability claim?

Time is not on your side.

It is extremely important to start your claim as soon as your medical condition is diagnosed as a disability or a long-term illness. It is important to claim your case promptly to highlight the details of your condition. If there are gaps between the start of your condition and the filling of your Long-term disability claim, As a result, many medical proofs can get lost or diminished, which will weaken your claim.

Doing so will help us to win the fight for your just compensation.

To file your claim, call 647-957-0218 for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Is there a limit on how long I can receive Long Term Disability benefits?

Long-term disability benefits will continue until you no longer meet the definition of disability under your policy (for example, you can return to work) or until the specified coverage period ends (typically at age 65). However, insurance coverage periods do vary in every policy.

For expert advice on your specific case call 647-957-0218 or email [email protected] for a free, no-obligation consultation.

How Often would I get Updates On the Status of my Case?

We actively and diligently work on your case and we will update you every 4 months. Our team will also update you sooner if there is any new development in your case that requires your attention. We do this to provide you with the peace of mind you need, for your recovery and healing.


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