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Personal Injury

What is the likelihood of winning my personal injury lawsuit?

Every personal injury case is unique. The chance of winning a personal injury lawsuit depends on factors, such as the amount and severity of injuries sustained, the issues of responsibility, or liability.

It also depends on the nature and extent of the injuries sustained by the injured party and what impairments the injuries cause and the age and vocation of the injured party. It may also involve claims for accident benefits.

The best first step would be to have a Free initial consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer to go over the details of your situation to understand your specific case and to provide the best solution for you.

When you feel comfortable with moving forward call 647-957-0218 or email  [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

Is my car accident covered by a personal injury claim?

It depends on the injuries sustained in your specific situation. Personal injury generally includes: Physical, mental, psychological and emotional injuries that are caused to someone, especially when this is the fault of another person or an organization by careless, reckless or negligent act.

Find out if your case is covered or not, call 647-957-0218 for a free, no obligation consultation.

After an accident or injury happens, How long should I wait before calling a lawyer?

Many personal injury laws have time limits on starting a claim. A detailed examination of your accident is needed to find out the time limits that apply to it..

We recommend not to WAIT!!!.

When you feel comfortable with moving forward call 647-957-0218 or email  [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

What does a “Catastrophic Injury” mean and How much benefits can I be eligible for?

A catastrophic injury is a rather complicated part of personal injury. To better get the best understanding of what it is and if your case falls into Catastrophic injury case, it is best to speak to an experienced lawyer who knows how to handle these kinds of cases.

The lawyer can determine if you are eligible for any compensation and to make sure that you receive what is due to you.

If your case is eligible for a catastrophic injury case, you may be eligible for up to $1 million for all benefits. You also may be entitled to other ongoing benefits, like income replacement and or non-earner benefits.

When you are ready call 647-957-0218 or email  [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

I am worried for my sister, a year ago she had an accident and got a Brain Injury. She thinks she is alright and she thinks it is not a big deal but as time goes by we see changes in her behavior, Memory, speech and judgment. Can you help us?

Depending on the symptoms of your sister's head injury, she may be entitled to a large payment.Usually it is possible for the person who is injured not to be fully aware of the gravity or impact of the head injury. Your sister may need immediate assistance from specialized care, treatment providers and around the clock supervision from attendant care workers, to find out how to contact us now.

When you feel comfortable with moving forward call 647-957-0218 or email  [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

My father had an accident almost a year ago. Now he has some balance and dizziness problems and has further developed depression and anxiety. I am stressed and scared to leave him by himself at home. How can you help me?

If You or any family members are taking care of your Dad you could be entitled to payment for your services and you may be eligible for $1 million of medical rehabilitation benefits and $1 million in attendant care benefits and. You also may be entitled to other ongoing benefits.

When you feel comfortable with moving forward call 647-957-0218 or email  [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

Is it True social media can damage my personal injury case?

Social networking sites allow us to post information on the web about our personal life, like pictures, blogs, messages and even updates on our daily activities. These postings may all seem private but they are not. In Fact they can have a damaging effect on your personal injury case.

We caution you to be careful of what you or your friends post. It is even better to suspend all publishing completely until the resolution of your personal injury case.

When you feel comfortable with moving forward call 647-957-0218 or email  [email protected] for a free, no-obligation consultation.

I don’t have insurance and I got into an accident, it was not my fault. What happens now?

The insurance of the party who was at fault, is liable to pay for your injuries, pain, suffering and damages to your car. Any medical bills claimed by you will be paid from your settlement.

For expert advice on your specific case call 647-957-0218 for a free, no obligation consultation.

I don’t have insurance and I got into an accident, it was my fault. What happens now?

You are still entitled to accident benefits. For expert advice on your specific case call 647-957-0218 for a free, no obligation consultation.

Recently, my wife had an accident and cannot work anymore or handle any of the house chores or even take care of our children. Can I make a claim? And what would be compensated for?

Definitely yes!.You can have a claim against the insurance company. Legal partners are eligible for housekeeping assistance, non-earner and /or care giving benefits.

When you are ready call 647-957-0218 or email [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

Few months ago my husband was injured and his doctor says he is not able to work. He thought his insurance policy covered him for long term disability but the insurance company is denying his claim. What can be done?

There is a definite case for a legal claim against the long term disability insurance company.

We have litigation lawyers with law suit experience who can file a claim against your husband’s insurance company and guide you through the steps of the law suite.

When you feel comfortable with moving forward call 647-957-0218 or email [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

How can you help me? After a nasty accident my partner still has issues and he can’t go back to work. He has recovered a little bit but still has a few problems that bother him.

Your partner can claim for suffering and pain as well as claims for loss of income in the past and future. We can also recommend career experts to help your partner to explore other careers more suited to your partner's current situation.

Our lawyers will diligently gather precise medical assessment from the experts in the medical field to make sure your family gets the right compensation due to them.

When you feel comfortable with moving forward call 647-957-0218 or email  [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

What is the maximum amount of payout for a personal injury accident claim?

Some personal injury claims have a maximum amount of pay out but not all. The maximum money you can recover depends on your policy limits. This doesn’t necessarily limit what you can claim.

When you feel comfortable with moving forward call 647-957-0218 or email [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

After my car accident, What is the first step to start my personal injury claim?

It is very important to gather all the detailed information about your car accident. Such as the name of the other driver, location of the accident, license plate number/s, name of the insurance providers, contact information of all witnesses and all other relevant information to your accident.

Next, you need to be evaluated by a doctor/s depending on your injuries. And you must take it very seriously, to be fully examined from head to toe, as some symptoms of injuries like Brain and many others do not show up immediately.

Once you have collected and organized all this information. Contact an experienced personal injury lawyer and provide the details of your case, to get advice and know your rights and options for the best and highest compensation for you.

When you feel comfortable with moving forward call 647-957-0218 or email  [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

How much is the up-front fee to hire a personal injury lawyer?

There is no up-front fee at Noohi Law. We work on a contingency basis. Which means that we don’t get paid until you get paid.

First initial consultation to review your case is FREE.

When you feel comfortable with moving forward call 647-957-0218 or email [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

What type of losses are covered in a personal injury claim?

Here are some examples of claims that can be made, depending on you case:

● damages for pain and suffering;

● loss of income

● loss of opportunity and competitive advantage

● extraordinary care expenses

● housekeeping/home maintenance expenses

● out-of-pocket expenses.

● claims for accident benefits

When you are ready call 647-957-0218 or email [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

How much is the usual average settlement payment for personal injury claims?

It is really hard to state an average payment, as each case is unique. The payment depends on severity of the injuries sustained, recovery time from the injuries, the liability of parties involved, the age, the occupation of the injured person. Including but not limited to health care expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering, cost of home maintenance and more.

When you're ready, call for a Free, no obligation consultation with a personal injury lawyer who can help you with your specific situation. Call now 647-957-0218.

How much are the fees for the personal injury lawyers?

We don’t get paid any fees until you get paid. The payment is based on a percentage of your claim. To get the details of payment for your case, have a discussion with your lawyer.

You can call us for a free, no obligation review of your case and to find out about the fees. 647-957-0218.

How long will my personal injury lawsuit claim take?

Any lawsuit, personal injury or not, will take time, sometimes several years.

We want to make sure you get the highest, best compensation for your medical injuries and suffering before we settle your case.

It may take a number of months or even years to determine how you will recover from injuries or until you reach your maximum medical recovery. We will diligently watch your case for the best time to settle.

To find out how long your particular case may take. When you are comfortable, call us for a free, no obligation review of your case 647-957-0218.

If my personal injury lawsuit is not successful will I owe you any money?

If you don't win, We don't win and we won't get paid.

When you feel comfortable with moving forward call 647-957-0218 or email [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.

Is there a cost for my question from a lawyer?

It will not cost you a penny.

When you feel comfortable with moving forward call 647-957-0218 or email [email protected] for a free, no obligation consultation.


After Our Free Initial Consultation You'll Know:

ANSWERS to your questions and concerns about your case

OPTIONS if we think you have a case and how to move forward

TIMEFRAME on how long your case may take to settle.


  1. Request a Free consultation by filling out a short consultation form

  1. Our dedicated professional team will contact you right away

  1. We begin working on your case and start your clam process

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Each case is unique and our dedicated Paralegals provide personalized service to secure the best possible outcome for our clients. We pride ourselves on customer service excellence.

Expert & Professional legal Services

Free Consultation

During our free consultation , we will review your case and provide you with steps on how to move forward as well as estimated costs. We do not provide legal advice during our free consultation.

A Paralegal client relationship does not exist unless ExpressLex has provided written confirmation that such relationship exists.

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We personalize our services to meet your unique legal needs.

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We believe in respect and integrity and our customer service reflects our beliefs.

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I am very satisfied with the outcome of my car accident case. I initially thought Kathy was intimidating but I do understand that's her way to pursue the best outcome. I now realized it was a great move for her. She and her team are detail-oriented and will consider all angles to get the best results. Thank you Kathy and your team for your hard work. I will definitely recommend Noohi Law for their legal services.

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